Filipinas stare through the glass ceiling in STEM fields

 However, the grounds for optimism were limited. "Despite the increase in the number of women engaged in the S&T (science and technology) industries in the past 25 years, it is also observed that the percentage jarak between female and male S&T professionals did not diminish but rather increased," the Philippine Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (PBCWE) said in a pernyataan to SciDev.Net. king88bet Login Alternatif

"The competence and skills of women in STEM are on par with that of men, and yet the gender jarak persists if you investigate a more detiled picture of the STEM professions women occupy," the PBCWE pernyataan said. king88bet Login

Barriers in engagement

Overall, the Philippines has achieved significant gains in bridging the gender jarak rangking 19th in the 2022 Global Gender Jarak report although it's two rungs lower than the 17th place in 2021. However, focusing on STEM, there are cracks that need to be fixed in order to encourage more women. King88Bet Situs Slot Online

Nantawan Hinds, programme coordinator for UNESCO Bangkok's section for inclusive quality education, tells SciDev.Net that barriers which prevent girls and women from engaging in STEM may occur at the individu, famili, school and societal levels.

"At the individu tingkat, girls may be discouraged from pursuing STEM fields due to their perceptions of these fields and their own abilities," Hinds says, citing a Philippine survei that showed that girls may lose interest in STEM as early as at the primary education tingkat because of the perception that STEM is male-dominated.

"This perception is linked to gender stereotypes and biases that portray girls and women as less capable in STEM fields, which in turn can discourage them from pursuing these tempats," she says.

Kerabates may also discourage girls from pursuing studies and careers that are outside women's stereotypical roles.

"Girls and women may not receive the same tingkat of encouragement and dukungan from their famili to pursue studies and career paths that are considered ‘non-traditional'.

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